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Full-stack application utilizing a MySQL database and Java back-end. No Java framework was used on this particular project. Users can create, delete, and edit ads, as well as edit their profiles. Styling is done with custom HTML, CSS, Flexbox, Bootstrap, and JavaScript.

(Unfortunately, this cannot be shown like the other projects below since it isn't a simple HTML file - but feel free to click 'See More' to see some screenshots!)

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Movie Database

Uses a back-end API in order to simulate a movie database. Users can add, edit, and delete movies. Uses modularized JavaScript, along with custom HTML, CSS, Flexbox, and Bootstrap for styling.

(Unfortunately, this cannot be shown like the other projects below since it isn't a simple HTML file - but feel free to click 'See More' to see some screenshots!)

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OpenWeatherMap API

Uses ajax to query for weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API. User can either enter a city in the text box or drag and drop a pin on the map (Google Maps API) in order to receive weather data for the next 6 hours. Styling was done with HTML, CSS, Flexbox, and JavaScript.

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Colorado Calculator

Paired programming exercise in which my partner and I created a JavaScript-powered calculator in homage to my alma mater in Boulder, CO. Utilizes key eventListeners to allow user to use keyboard when making calculations.

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Konami Code

A retro-styled game inspired by the famous Konami Code. Users play the game by using their keyboard to "guess" the code. If they guess incorrectly, a life is lost. If the user guesses the correct sequence, they gain 30 lives! Utilizes JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

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UK Flag

A flag made out of pure CSS.

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